Convent of Jesus & Mary RC

Convent of Jesus and Mary Language College is a voluntary aided, all girls, Catholic secondary school in Willesden within the London Borough of Brent. There are currently 1001 pupils and 117 sixth formers. The school is regarded as a successful secondary school.



Founded by the Sisters of Jesus and Mary, the aim was to create an all girls convent school for girls in Willesden. The school's foundation stone was laid in 1888 and the Convent of Jesus and Mary opened as a private boarding school. Today the school is a language college providing education for catholic girls in and around Brent. A large number of pupils are of Afro-Caribbean and African descent.


Convent of Jesus and Mary is an average sized girls' Catholic comprehensive in North-West London. The school is a diverse community with around three quarters of the students coming from minority ethnic groups. Around a third of students are of Black Caribbean heritage or other Black backgrounds. Other students are from a range of minority ethnic groups including White Irish , White British or other White backgrounds.

In 2000 former head teacher Mary Richardson received a DBE for her work at the school. On her arrival at the school only 8% of pupils left with more than 5A*-C GCSEs, this rose to 61% on her retirement in 1999. She was replaced by Geraldine Freear who is now the headmistress.

Ofsted Reports

In 2006 the school was given a report of good and this improved to outstanding in 2009.

Academic Results

GCSE examinations in 1997, 1998, and 1999 were ranked well above average compared with all schools and for 1999 very high compared to similar schools. In 1997 and 1998 they were ranked average compared to all schools and below average in 1999.

In 1999 61% of pupils gained 5A*-C. However the proportion of students attaining grades A-C was below the national average.

In 2008 60% of pupils achieved at least one A*-C in a modern foreign language.

In 2009 76% of pupils achieved 5A*-C. 63% of pupils received a GCSE before being in year 11 and 63% of A levels pupils received A-C and 95.4% A-E.
